The Practice of Stopping: Gateway to Self-Remembering

It was said that a person in the Work should practice Self-Remembering at least once a day and that if they cannot do that they must practice it three times a day —that is, they must make still greater efforts. All Self-Remembering is to lift you out of the whirlpool and uproar and dreariness going on in yourself and caused by life acting on you mechanically and by your looking to life as your only nourisher, your only source of happiness.

If you have no conception of what Self-Remembering is, if you understand nothing about there being a higher level in yourself that you can attain to, then simply try to practice complete stopping of thought for a second if you can, because it is better than nothing. It will at least break the chain of mechanical associations for a moment and may possibly enable something else to reach you which otherwise is impossible.

Maurice Nicoll, "Commentary on Inner Talking" in Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky (Vol. 2, p. 772)


Awakening to Higher Feeling: The Path of Separation from Lower States


The Third State of Consciousness: Where Help Reaches Us