Integrating Mind, Heart, and Body: The Third State of Consciousness
This extension or expansion of consciousness to include at the same time all the centers is not supernormal but is actually what a normal person should possess. This is the 3rd state of consciousness—the state of Self-Remembering or Self- Awareness.
When the Work Fades: Finding Our Way Back Through Self-Remembering
To remember oneself is a surrender of oneself. One realizes one's helplessness. It is impossible to self-remember if one does not realize and understand that better influences can reach us.
The Self That Knows Its Own Nothingness
When we are told to remember ourselves and ask: "Which self?" what answer can we expect after a time almost with certainty? We can expect the answer: "The self that knows its own nothingness." Yes, this would be a full form of Self-Remembering. The result of work is gradually to make us see we cannot do.
Self-Remembering Requires Emotional Force, Not Parrot ‘I’s
The act of Self-Remembering must have a certain emotional quality. It is owing to the emotional quality that one is put at once into higher parts of centers, into bigger 'I's. These can remember the Work, they can understand it. No one can work continuously but only at times.
The Moment of Helplessness: A Gateway to Help
You must reach the point of discerning your own helplessness. And this, if it is not a negative experience, will bring you into a state of self-remembering. Through seeing your helplessness you attract help.
Lifting Yourself Above the Inner Uproar
It is a very marvellous thing to experience a moment of not being identified with oneself, with all this uproar, with all this ever-returning and useless turmoil. And we realize how true it is that help cannot reach us while we are in this ordinary state.
The First Conscious Shock: Awakening the Cells of Being
The Work says that a moment of Self-Remembering supplies every cell in the body with food of a kind that it does not ordinarily get. The Work says that when you remember yourself you give a shock to the whole of you.
Breaking Free from the Web of Associations
Impressions that are taken in in a state of Self-Remembering become emotional. Even the simplest thing can become interesting or beautiful and reflect some meaning you had never perceived.
The Double Movement of Self-Remembering
To remember oneself it is necessary to look in and look out. One must see the outer and see oneself in relation to the outer. But actually no one can see in and see out at the same time any more than a person can breathe in and breathe out at the same time. An act of Self-Remembering is a double movement as is an act of breathing.
Transforming Sleep into Self-Remembering
It is only by applying the Work to oneself in one's own particular case that one can realize what Self-Remembering is. If you do not know what it is to observe you are asleep, how can you remember yourself?
Fighting to Remember: Beyond the Kaleidoscope of States
If you are in a bad state you remember yourself in one way, and when in a good state you have to remember yourself in another way and it is often more difficult.
Your Being Attracts Your Life
You must understand that every event is attracted by your being and this is phrased as: "Your being attracts your life." That means that your being attracts events that happen to you because life is simply events of different kinds and on different scales.
Coming Back to Oneself: The Practice of Self-Remembering
A moment of Self-Remembering, the whole idea of Self-Remembering, is to draw into oneself all these scattered elements that have been glued to events. One definition of Self-Remembering was given in ancient days that runs as follows: "I come out of everything else into myself."
Becoming No One: A Path to Self-Remembering
Try to get out of your own way. Try to let something get in that cannot because you are in the way. Can you stop the noise of yourself for even a moment? Can you get out of the ordinary feeling of yourself? Can you become no one for a moment to yourself?
Beyond the Mechanical: Experimenting with Self-Remembering
We notice what was and is no longer useful and invent some other way. Everyone should above all things think of and study and try to self-remember each day. There are many ways of Self-Remembering. But they all depend on the feeling that there is something else, that this life on this extremely bad planet is not explicable in terms of itself. There is something else.
The Triple Relation: Consciousness, Body, and World in Self-Remembering
Self-Remembering from one aspect is the practice of a certain relation of consciousness to one's body and through it to the world as rendered by our senses. If we take it like that, then there are three things (1) consciousness, (2) the body with its external senses, (3) the external world of things and people.
No Progress Unless You Remember Yourself
There can be no progress unless and until you remember yourself. Unless you can lift yourself up by Self-Remembering you do not receive help, and that unless you receive help you cannot reach a different level of being. But at the same time unless you prepare yourself by means of Self-Observation and trying to separate from what the Work teaches are wrong functions, you cannot receive the influences coming from Higher Centers.
Act vs. State: The Journey to Self-Remembering
The act of trying to remember myself is to endeavour by trial and failure to reach some new state of oneself called the State of Self-Remembering. If already I know how to reach this state then the act or effort that I make will put me into this state. But I cannot expect at first by performing the act of Self-Remembering to reach the State. It will only be by long work, by innumerable acts, that I gain any success in reaching the state that I aim at reaching.
Inner Stop: Standing Motionless in the Mind
In the practice of Inner Stop, you stand motionless in your mind. Thoughts pass you, speak to you, ask you what you are up to and so on, but you pay no attention to them. You will see at once that Inner Stop is connected with a form of Self-Remembering.
Catching Glimpses: Recognizing Your Chief Feature
If you feel emotional about getting to know your Chief Feature, and really want to know about it, you may catch glimpses. Sometimes you can see Chief Feature in other people. Ask yourselves: "What is it in this person that would make him different if it were changed?" Sometimes it is possible to see this in someone else.