Self-Remembering Requires Emotional Force, Not Parrot ‘I’s
The act of Self-Remembering must have a certain emotional quality. It is owing to the emotional quality that one is put at once into higher parts of centers, into bigger 'I's. These can remember the Work, they can understand it. No one can work continuously but only at times.
Three-Centered Self-Observation
In trying to control an observed 'I', you must remember that it is something that thinks, and feels and moves—that is, each representation of it in each center is different. The control of the human machine is difficult therefore because everything that is formed in it psychologically —namely, as an 'I'—is represented in three entirely different ways, that seem at first sight unconnected.
Observing the Emotional and Intellectual Centers: Breaking the Cycle of Mechanicity
We should observe not only vaguely our emotional state but the words or gestures or expressions that accompany this state—and this means to observe two centers.
Evaluation and the Awakening of the Emotional Center
The Work says very many things about evaluation. For example, it says that the octave of inner development, and so change of level of one's Being, begins with the Note Do, which is termed "Evaluation of the Work". The Note Re is application of the ideas to oneself. The Note Mi is realization of personal difficulties. The Work also says that its ultimate aim is to awaken the Emotional Center.