Transforming Sleep into Self-Remembering
It is only by applying the Work to oneself in one's own particular case that one can realize what Self-Remembering is. If you do not know what it is to observe you are asleep, how can you remember yourself?
Awakening to Higher Feeling: The Path of Separation from Lower States
It is only through a feeling of something higher that you can separate from something lower, and, after a time, when you have experienced what this means, you will do everything you can to keep the feeling of something higher alive in you at all costs and you will begin to hate those periods in which you are totally identified with external things.
Self-Observation:The Unused Inner Camera
One of our unused inner senses is the faculty of self-observation. We have to train ourselves to use this internal camera. If used, it eventually presents us with full-length portraits of ourselves entirely different from what we should ever have expected.
Awake, Watch, Sleep Not
It is only by means of observing myself uncritically and over a considerable period that I begin to understand that I do not remember myself.